Cathedral of Christ the King
Lifting while we climb
Our mission in the Knights of Columbus is to serve our community at a parish and diocesan level. Through a wide variety of fundraising activities, we have donated over $22,000 in 2016 and $45,000 in the past two years. Becoming a knight means you are part of a multi-generational brotherhood of Catholic men who are dedicated to bettering our parish, community and the world.
We balance our efforts across 6 categories: Church, Community, Council, Family, Vocations, Youth. We provide financial and brotherly support to two seminarians, David Wheeler and Danny Taylor. We are committed to protecting all life and we are weekly adorers at St. Kevin's chapel.
Faith Family Community Life

About Father Michael J. McGivney
Through the Knights of Columbus, Father McGivney gave Catholic laymen a new opportunity—the chance to grow in holiness while contributing to their parishes, communities and security of their families. Today, more and more Church leaders are recognizing his spiritual genius in animating the laity.
Grand Knight - Duane Gere | KCcouncil14130@gmail.com
Deputy Grand Knight - Greg Rhineheimer
Chancellor - Mike Nuzzo
Treasurer - Richard Archer
Finance Secretary - David Johnson
Warden - Jerry Mason
Advocate -
Lecturer - Rick Towner
Inside Guard - Chris Schnelle
Outside Guard - Jim Hughes
Recorder - Bill Clark
District 22 Deputy - Ed Quinn
Field Agent -
General Agent - Daniel Schachle |423 991-2044|
Chaplain - Fr. John Moriarty